While feeding your baby can be a magical and bonding experience, it can bring many ups and downs. Here's how different families have approached the challenges of feeding in their own ways.

Jacob and Yuki
Hong Kong
‘Breastfeeding was the best first gift I could give our baby. That warmth from skin-to-skin time was like our own way to get to know each other. With breastfeeding, there isn't a 'one-size-fits-all' for every mother. We had to learn and adapt as the baby got bigger,’ Yuki
‘I was happy to be able to help with feeding at around five months, when we started bottle feeding using Yuki’s milk,’ Jacob

Laura and Sam
Dumfries, UK
‘I’m currently breastfeeding my newborn. I’ve been lucky to have the support I needed but it’s not always been easy. The pain – from cracked nipples to engorgement – is very real. But there have also been so many positives. It is incredibly rewarding watching your babies thrive on your own milk. I always make sure I try to eat well, snack lots and drink plenty of water.’

Annie and Matt
London, UK
‘You can put yourself under a lot of pressure about how you might want to feed your child. That became quite all-consuming for me. We struggled because Felix had tongue-tie [a condition that makes it harder for the baby to breastfeed]. The most important thing is that the baby is fed, so don’t be afraid to mix-feed [using formula and breastmilk]. It makes life a lot easier.’

Bennett and Malik
Los Angeles, US
‘I am a transgender man which means I was assigned female at birth but I identify as male. My son is fed with formula, so what really helped were all the little things you can do to make bottle feeding easier. Things like getting easy, twist-off bottles (like the ones they have in hospital) and sticking them on the bedside table every night helped.’

Nina and Pete
Perth, Australia
‘I stopped breastfeeding at around 11 months because I was going back to work. I was well supported at the beginning and generally I found breastfeeding free and easy but I was very aware that I was the only one who could feed her.’
For more tips on parenthood, hear what parents have to say about the value of your support network.
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